Love to start with hot chat and see where we can go from there to ensure we find pleasure in each other.
A lot! I want not to
be lonely. Extrovert for the most part, occasionally bored, but always looking for new friend/friends for mutually beneficial experiences with single
matured men and or couples who are mentally stable and spontaneous.
He's 5'10, straight and in decent shape. Nowadays,
people have ceased to value and be faithful, but I am a switch so I do both.
Not just being one time sex and forget. K,I,k, dbalfred12 ;)).
In men, I appreciate honesty, care, hard work and the willingness to explore is mandated!!! - No guys (straight, gay, trans). Hey, straight acting
gay guy. (I am free on Saturday and Sunday. Attractive , slim
adventurous lady wished to meet young , well endowed ,
inexperienced , educated guy, 18 to 24 years old, to join my small group of friends , ( including my young
girlfriend ) , for non-pushy , regular meetings.